QEEG – A Guide to Cognitive Interventions

Boulder Natural Health and Dr. Van Vleet are excited to provide QEEG Analysis for Our Patients

Neurological settings have used QEEG for over 60 years. In more recent years it has guided neurofeedback protocols. Today’s technology and research has advanced to where we can use it to inform far more. And, using a holistic healthcare approach, the application of QEEG data can provide new insights suited for unique and individual needs.

What is QEEG?

“Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) is a modern type of electroencephalography (EEG) analysis that involves recording digital EEG signals which are processed, transformed, and analyzed using complex mathematical algorithms.”

-Journal of Medicine and Life

Much like a thermometer that records your temperature without affecting your temperature, the brain map records the electrical activity of the brain without changing anything. Electrode sensors look at individual brain waves and wave patterns to provide detailed information.

How is QEEG Different?

Traditional psychological/neuropsychological assessment uses interview settings and responses to gather subjective data to support and guide treatment. This can lead to much trial and error in care approaches and medication management. Neuropsychology is also expensive, time-consuming and sometimes the work isn’t relevant to symptoms. Many people find themselves tangled in mis-matched medicine and intervention therapies that take many months to get right.

QEEG is quick – we can perform readings in 20-30 minutes. The data is concrete and removes interviewer subjectivity.  The reports can guide immediate supports and be used in conjunction with neuropsychology interviews to coordinate care between healthcare providers.

How does QEEG Incorporate into Naturopathic Care?

Dr. Van Vleet utilizes a variety of objective data points, such as blood or urine labs, to guide mental and cognitive health interventions. QEEG is one more objective measure that can now be used to guide evidence-based approaches. Naturopathic care utilizes targeted supplementation and lifestyle interventions to influence brainwave patterns in support of mental health.

Herbal and Nutritional Supplementation

Similar to nootropics, an important application of herbal and nutritional supplementation for cognitive health is to support anti-inflammatory pathways and calm an overwhelmed nervous system.

QEEG research can help to understand what specific nutrients can directly target brainwave patterns, thereby guiding treatment choices. For example:

Green Tea Extract, an antioxidant, can enhance parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing.

Turmeric, a powerful polyphenol, may support cognitive function and overwhelm, like “housekeeping for the brain”.

Ashwagandha has active components that help calm neurologic activity and supports sleep induction.

 Learn more about Nootripics and application for ADHD in this recent blog.

Lifestyle Interventions

Just as there is no one-fit diet for everyone, there are no one-fit lifestyle intervention for all people. While some may find peace with quiet meditation, others may feel uncomfortable and agitated. Understanding your brainwave patterns helps us find the right fit for supportive daily routines, such as breathwork, journaling, exercise and other self-care.

Medication Interventions

Similar to herbal and nutritional interventions, QEEG can also be used to guide medication choice for an individual seeking medication guidance.

Who Can Use QEEG Reporting?

QEEG reporting can be used by anyone struggling with mental or cognitive issues by integrating objective data to help guide treatment and interventions.  Some of the most common applications are for: Depression, Anxiety, OCD, ADHD, Addictions and/or Sleep concerns

QEEG can also be useful for people undergoing major life transitions that present new or worsening mental health issues, including hormone changes like puberty, postpartum, or menopause.

How Can I Schedule a QEEG Test?

Dr. Van Vleet is performing QEEG testing for patients at Boulder Natural Health. She will work directly with you and your practitioners, such as prescribing doctors, health coaches or therapists.  QEEG testing can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement.  Neuropsychology evaluations are still needed for school 504 or IEP accommodations. To schedule please contact our office.