An estimated 75-80% of women experience emotional or physical changes during the week or two prior to menses and up to 150 different symptoms are associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).  Some of the most common symptoms include: acne, bloating, breast tenderness, food cravings, headache, bowel changes, increase in fatigue, mood swings, and irritability.  PMS symptoms usually start in the second half of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation) and can last a few days to a week prior to menses.  Conventional medical treatments to PMS often include hormonal contraception and SSRIs.

The naturopathic medicine approach differs from conventional care by starting with identifying the root cause of symptoms.  Common contributing factors to PMS include:

  • hormonal imbalance- often estrogen is high in relation to progesterone
  • inflammatory diet (high in sugar and processed foods)
  • constipation- this results in reabsorption of hormones that were meant to be excreted, which can worsen hormonal imbalance and PMS symptoms

Our naturopathic treatments often include:

  • liver supportive herbs, which assist the liver in metabolizing out excess hormones
  • nutritional supplementation such as vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, and evening primrose oil to support optimal hormone levels and moods
  • dietary changes to reduce sugar and processed foods and increase nutrient-dense foods and fiber to improve constipation
  • herbs that can directly help balance hormones

Naturopathic medicine provides natural and holistic care solutions for most acute and chronic conditions. The goal of care is different from conventional medicine because the focus is addressing the underlying cause of illness not just the symptoms.

When you address the underlying dysfunction in the body and restore the biochemical balance to all organ systems, symptoms resolve on their own.

Source: Hudson, T. 2008. Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. McGraw-Hill, New York.