Juicing For Health
So Many Benefits
Raw vegetables and fruit juices are said to be the richest available sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They also contain phytochemicals and antioxidants that have significant medicinal value. Drunk as raw juice, they pass rapidly into the bloodstream because they require very little digestion. Juices seem to radiate and transport with them pure life force or the healing power of nature.
Preparation of Raw Vegetables and Fruit Juices
- Use freshly squeezed or extracted juices whenever possible.
- Use fruit juices sparingly. When you drink fruit or sweeter vegetable juices (like carrot or beet juice), dilute them 1:1 with filtered water to prevent both a glucose/insulin spike and to avoid the diuretic effect of the sugar.
- Drink any type of juice immediately to derive maximum benefit.
- Select a variety of raw, fresh, unblemished vegetables or fruits. Choose organic whenever possible.
- Clean and wash the produce thoroughly with an organic soap. (Dr. Bronner’s soap, for example, diluted as directed).
Use a juicer, not a blender.
- Prepare the produce by removing tough, inedible peels, stems and seeds. Cut the produce into pieces. Juice the pieces and mix the various juices together.
- The pulp is full of fiber and can be used in soups, stews, etc. or to make excellent garden compost.
- Start of juicing one ounce of each of five or more vegetables (or fruits). If the taste is unfamiliar, add some apple, carrot or tomato. Gradually increase the amount of combined juices up to one pint per day. One serving is 1/2 cup fruit juice or 3/4 cup vegetable juice. Vary the juice types daily, not only to benefit from a wider range of nutrients, but also to reduce the risk of developing allergies to the individual vegetables and fruits.
Recipe Ideas
Cabbage and Carrot Juice
- 1/2 cup cabbage juice
- 1/4 cup carrot juice
- 1/4 cup celery juice
- chopped fresh cilantro leaves to garnish
Beet Borscht Cocktail
- 1/2 cup beet juice
- 1/2 cup carrot juice
- 6 Tbls cucumber juice
- 1 Tbls lemon juice
- 1 Tbls plain yogurt
Carrot and Rosemary Juice
French Potassium Juice
- 1 bunch watercress
- 3 large carrots
- 3 large sticks celery
- chopped parsley to garnish
Chinese Waterfall
- 1/4 cup grape juice
- 1/4 cup pear juice
- 1/4 cup melon juice
- 3/4 cup filtered water to dilute
- ground ginger to garnish
- serve over ice
McIntyre, Anne. Drink To Your Health. 2000. Gaia Books Ltd.