You’re What Kind Of Doctor?
What is a naturopathic doctor? If you are wondering why you…

Gluten, Autoimmunity and Leaky Gut Syndrome
I highly recommend reading Chris Kresser's blog if you are interested…

Naturopathic Doctors Prove the Value of Integrative Medicine
Naturopathic doctors are in the news again! Newly published…

How to Choose a Safe Sunscreen
Ingredients do matter when choosing a sunscreen. Many products…

Five Natural Remedies To Heal Seasonal Allergies
Spring arrived early this year in Colorado, and with the gorgeous…

Study Shows Getting More Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight
Diet and exercise are only part of the story with weight loss.…

Should You Get Annual Mammograms? Studies Spark More Debate with Mammography
The controversy continues: Should women in their 40's routinely…

Naturopathic care shown to lower blood sugar levels and improve mood in diabetics
Researchers have found that type 2 diabetes patients who received…

Chronic Stress Leads To Cortisol Resistance, Inflammation and Disease
It seems obvious that a person under chronic stress may eventually…

The Red Scare: New Study Claims Eating Red Meat Will Shorten Lifespan
The Paleolithic diet proponents are up-in-arms about the alarming…

Flavonoids Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Flavonoids continue to get big press in the world of natural…

5 Smoothie Recipes Guaranteed to Boost Your Health!
I have a hard time eating salads this winter. I'd rather be…