Your Breathing is an Incredible Tool

Your breath is an incredible tool for helping achieve relaxation, lower stress response and can even help with digestion…three things we could all probably use some help with right now.

We recently shared a handful of simple and free self-care tools on our newsletter and here’s a sneak peek into one of them.

4-7-8 breathing is a technique you can use anywhere, anytime. There are 5 easy steps:
1. Exhale completely through your mouth (make a whoosh sound!)
2. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose, counting to 4 in your head.
3. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
4. Exhale completely again through your mouth, (make the whoosh sound!) to the count of 8.
5. Inhale again and repeat steps 1-4 three more times for four total breaths.

Check out and search “4-7-8 video” for a video “how to” by Dr. Weil!

If you missed our self-care newsletter and want access to all the tips, nourishing recipes, and resources we’re sending every week, drop us a dm with your best email. We’ll be happy to make sure you’re included on the list!