24 New Year Resolution Ideas to Improve Your Health in 2024

“And now let us believe in a long year that is given to us, new, untouched, full of things that have never been.”- Rainer Maria Rilke

Emerging from the months of holiday chaos can be challenging. While you might not subscribe to New Year’s resolutions, most people support the idea of taking time to self-reflect each year. If you’re like me and you’re still in a fog from last year, let this be your wake-up call.

Here’s my advice: The foundation of good health is based on discipline and commitment to healthy habits. Choose one or two health goals to focus on. If it’s a big goal, break it down to smaller pieces so it is easier to accomplish and you can celebrate the small wins along the way. Block off time in your calendar, set a reminder on your phone, tell the goal to a friend or family member, or simply write it down and put that piece of paper where you can see it daily. Realize that part of the process is cultivating self-discipline. Lastly, consider a reward system for achieving your goals. Dopamine is released in your brain when you fulfill your goals which will allow you to feel satisfaction, motivation and productivity. Research has shown that micro-shifts in daily health behaviors create long-term habits which can increase your quality of life and your lifespan.

24 Health Goals for 2024

1. Exercise
2. Eat more vegetables
3. Meditate regularly
4. Travel more
5. Avoid or drink less alcohol
6. Journal
7. Sleep more &set regular bedtime
8. Learn something new
9. Practice gratitude
10. Limit screen time
11. Get organized
12. Read more books
13. Drink more water
14. Take your vitamins and supplements
15. Spend time with family and friends
16. Spend more time outside
17. Walk or bike to work
18. Sweat/detox – use sauna regularly
19. Manage your stress
20. Volunteer
21. Reduce or avoid sugar
22. Wear sunscreen daily
23. Practice daily affirmations
24. Make an appointment with your doctor and get annual blood work

Creating Habits

If you need more motivation consider reading one of these New York Times bestsellers, Atomic Habits by James Clear or Tiny Habits by Dr. BJ Fogg. These books can help you learn how to make time for new habits, overcome lack of motivation, and get you back on track when you fall off the wagon.
Make 2024 your best year yet!
Dr. Julie and the BNH Team