Tis the Season for Cold and Flu, Boost Your Immune System with These Easy Tips!

With colder temperatures creeping into the forecast we must prepare for colds, flus and other seasonal viral illnesses.  Did you know there are some easy things you can do to help you fight illness and get back on your feet more quickly?  You might even prevent getting sick altogether?  Naturopathic medicine is a great resource for immune-boosting and cold and flu support.  Here are a few simple actions you can take to prevent illness all winter long.


Stress is a trigger for many health concerns we see at Boulder Natural Health, and colds and influenza are no exception.  Support your body’s innate healing ability by getting adequate sleep (7-9 hours per night) and practice saying “no” to commitments that stretch you too thin and add stress to your life.


When our sunny days become interrupted with clouds and snow, our ability to make vitamin D in our body becomes challenged.  Vitamin D is produced in the body as a result of exposure to sunlight and is also available in some foods.  Many of us in the northern hemisphere also require supplementation to keep our vitamin D at an optimal level.


We all know this one is true.  High-sugar treats available at holiday parties and celebrations make it more difficult for your immune system to respond to pathogens.


Here are our top five immune supportive supplements that can help you fight off colds and flus.  As with any supplement, quality is the most important consideration.  We advise patients to only purchase supplements from trusted companies that do third party testing, and from reputable vendors.

  • Probiotics– a 2012 study on college students found that those who took probiotics with strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium animalis lactis BB12 experienced a reduction in length of illness and overall less severe symptoms. The best probiotics are kept in the refrigerated section and have a variety of bacterial strains.
  • Elderberry– Just a teaspoon of elderberry syrup per day can help boost your anti-viral defenses. Look for a product that doesn’t have a lot of added sugar or one that uses honey as a sweetener.
  • Mushrooms– One study showed that eating just one cooked shitake mushroom per day increased immune defense and lowered inflammatory markers. If you don’t like the taste of mushrooms, consider a powdered product such as those available from Host Defense by Paul Staments.  Paul is the leading expert on mushrooms and has developed one of the most trusted mushroom product lines available.  His products  have demonstrated immune supportive effects of protecting immune cells and activating white blood cells.
  • Vitamin C– An immune support standby.  Taking 200-1,000 mg per day could reduce the duration of a cold.  Reduce your dose if you get loose bowel movements.
  • Zinc– If taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms, zinc can help reduce the length and severity of viral illness.  A good zinc supplement also balances copper, since these two nutrients fight with each other for absorption.  Zinc must be taken with food to avoid nausea.

Your body can do amazing things including fight infections!  Contact us today to learn more about how you can optimize your immune system during the winter season.  We create individualized treatment plans for kids, teenagers, adults and elderly.