Helping You Sail Through Menopause, Naturally

You can’t escape menopause but you don’t have to fear the symptoms or fumble through this transition.

The media has painted a dim picture of the perimenopausal and menopausal years being a constant struggle of weight gain, sleep problems, headaches, mood swings, anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue, vulvovaginal changes and more. As Gwyneth Paltrow says, “Menopause gets a really bad wrap and needs rebranding.” Menopause can be a time of empowerment and booming wellness for women. There are so many natural options available to nourish and support your body through this hormonal shift.

What is Perimenopause?

You might be surprised to hear that perimenopausal hormone changes begin at age 40 to 44 and for some women start in their mid-30’s. Perimenopausal symptoms may present as changes to the length of the menstrual cycle or changes to the duration and flow of the bleed. Estrogen levels can rise and fall unevenly during perimenopause and a woman may have anovulatory cycles where the ovary does not release an egg. Hormone fluctuations can go on for years, even after menopause. Menopause is the permanent cessation of a period for a least 1 full year due to a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. Average age of menopause is 50-52 years old. Premature menopause is when a woman has menopausal symptoms, her periods have stopped and her FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is greater than 20 IU/L and she is less than 40 years of age. Induced menopause is when menopause is artificially induced from surgery (a hysterectomy), chemotherapy and radiation to the pelvic area.

Common Menopause-Related Symptoms

  • Insomnia, fatigue
  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness, dry skin, hair loss
  • Depression, anxiety, mood changes
  • Headaches, decreased memory, blood sugar imbalance
  • Decreased libido, problems with urination, irregular menses
  • Palpitations, nausea, leg cramps, nose bleeds, varicose veins
A naturopathic approach first takes into account the complexity and severity of the women’s medical history and symptom picture. It is important to assess risk factors for heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and breast cancer. Lab testing may be appropriate to diagnose and make appropriate treatment recommendations. Hormone testing options may include: FSH (follicle stimulating hormone,) LH (luteinizing hormone,) Estrogen (usually estradiol,)  progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol and thyroid hormone levels.

The Hormone 101

The Role of Estrogen
  • Supports vaginal tissue and increases vaginal lubrication
  • Increases breast mass, adipose tissue and extracellular fluid
  • Increases HDL (the good cholesterol), can decrease action of the thyroid
  • Slows bowel motility
  • Prevents bone loss
The Role of Progesterone
  • Decreases contractility of the uterine smooth muscle
  • Thickens cervical mucous
  • Promotes thyroid function and stimulates hair growth on scalp
  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Normalizes libido
  • Improves cholesterol levels
The Role of Testosterone
  • Important for libido, brain tissue, bone mass, genital tissue and energy levels
  • Testosterone in excess can cause acne, facial hair growth, oily skin and scalp, rashes and itchiness, edema or swelling of the body.
Fortunately not all of the sex hormones are lost with menopause. The adrenal glands produce some sex hormones including testosterone and androstenedione which can convert to estrogen. This is where stress can really take a toll. If the adrenal glands have been chronically stressed due to lack of sleep, poor diet, hypoglycemia, and anxiety, it is harder for the body to produce these sex hormones from the adrenal glands during perimenopause and menopause. Consequently, a woman’s symptoms can be more severe.

Natural Treatment Options

The foundations of any naturopathic health plan are eating a healthy diet and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, which includes exercising regularly and making time for self-care and stress-reduction activities. This, plus the appropriate nutritional supplements, botanical therapies, and homeopathy can be effective management for peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms for the majority of women. If these treatments are not adequate then bio-identical hormone replacement options can be considered.
The Bottom Line with Soy: Soybeans are the richest food source of isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen or plant based estrogen. There are hundreds of studies on soy and dozens on hot flashes, some showing effect and some that show no effect. Soy is a natural component of a healthy diet. The best forms of soy are from whole foods including soybeans, legumes, miso, tofu, etc. We do not recommend refined or processed sources of soy. This includes soymilk, soy cheese, soy protein bars, soy burgers.

Seed Rotation Diet: Adding seeds to the diet can be helpful for balancing hormones because of their lignans that have estrogenic effects. We recommend 2 TBSP per day of either ground flaxseeds or pumpkin seeds eaten for 2 weeks, from the first day of bleed until ovulation if a woman is still cycling. Then switch to 2 TBSP per day of either sesame or sunflower seeds eaten for 2 weeks from ovulation to the next menses. Continue to alternate.

Nutritional Supplements
  •  Bioflavonoids and vitamin C can help with hot flashes
  •  Calcium/magnesium/vitamin D are helpful for prevention of osteoporosis
  • Vitamin B6 is helpful for depression, insomnia, irritability (taken in the morning)
  • Vitamin E can help with hot flashes
  • Evening primrose oil can relieve breast pain
Herbs to Treat Menopausal Symptoms
  • Phytoestrogenic herbs: black cohosh, alfalfa, false unicorn root, licorice, red clover, blue cohosh
  • Phytoprogesterone herbs: wild yam, smilax, salvia, trillium, lady’s mantle, vitex, pulsatilla
Other Supportive Therapies
 Homeopathic medicine is a successful natural therapy for treating depression, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, anger. Flower essences provide support for mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear during transitions.

For the majority of women, menopausal symptoms can be effectively managed with dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, botanical medicine and other natural therapies. If it is not sufficient then bio-identical hormone replacement can be considered.  Providers at Boulder Natural Health can provide excellent referrals for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy if needed.