The Health Benefits of Giving

By Dr. Julie Neal

This month marks the beginning of the holiday season.  For many people this time of year can be stressful and overwhelming.  The days are shorter, the weather gets colder, there is a tinge of sadness in the air.  On the flipside, this time of year offers an invitation to go inward, reflect on your life, your accomplishments this year, and cultivate gratitude for all that you have.

My definition of gratitude is this:

Being gracious, thankful, showing appreciation for things both tangible and intangible.  

Gratitude can have enormous benefits on your health.  Researchers from the University of Indiana conducted a study in 2016 with 293 participants who were seeking counseling services at a university.  The participants were divided into three groups.  One group received counseling only, a second group received counseling plus they did expressive writing, a third group received counseling plus they wrote letters expressing gratitude to others.  The participants were assessed at 4 weeks and again at 12 weeks.  The group that received counseling and wrote the gratitude letters to others reported significantly better mental health than all other groups.

Gratitude can be expressed in a variety of ways.  It can be as simple as writing a thank you card to a mentor, teacher or someone who has done something nice for you.  Or it can be expressed through volunteering at your child’s school.  Look into a soup kitchen or organization like Meals on Wheels or contact a local animal shelter.  If you like to write, keep a gratitude journal.  If that doesn’t suit you then spend a few minutes sending thankful and positive thoughts toward someone you care about.

This month, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to show your appreciation for others; “for it is in giving that we receive.” (St. Francis of Assisi)

The providers at Boulder Natural Health will donate a portion of their income to several charitable organizations this season. 

Boulder Natural Health is supporting the Emergency Family Assistance Association of Boulder this holiday season by collecting non-perishable food items for donation.  Join us by bringing a donation at your next visit to support the families helped by this wonderful organization.