What should you bring to your sauna session?
- Water (preferably with electrolytes or a good quality trace mineral supplement). We also have Eldorado Springs water available at our office.
- Book to read
- Personal care products if shower is desired afterwards. We supply a sauna gown and towels for your use during your sauna session.
- Please do not wear any perfumes and scented products in the sauna.
Does infrared technology interfere with implants or medical devices such as CGM?
Always consult with your doctor and/or the manufacturer of a medical device before using infrared sauna. Continuous Glucose Monitors are generally not recommended above 113 degrees F and may malfunction in the sauna.
What to expect from your sauna session?
You may not sweat right away in the sauna. Many people have suppressed sweating mechanisms due to toxic exposure. For some people, it can take several sessions to get their body comfortable with heat and able to seat. You must be well hydrated in order to get a good sweat going. Pay close attention to overheating and dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session.
What is the temperature of the far infrared sauna?
We use traditional dry far-infrared sauna to stimulate sweating. We set our sauna to roughly 130 degrees F. You can adjust temperature higher or lower depending on your preference. The maximum temperature is 158 degrees. Length of use should not exceed 30 minutes. The temperature and the length of time can be increased based on the tolerance of the patient.
What other treatments can help with detoxification?
Exercise, good nutrition and sleep hygiene is imperative to follow for maximum sauna benefit. During your sauna session, feel free to take breaks for rest, take a cold shower at the end, and snacking afterwards is encouraged. The following supplements and organic foods can be helpful for your detoxification regiment: probiotics, fiber/flax seeds, chlorella, brassica vegetables, green tea, artichoke, garlic, rosemary, turmeric, pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, milk thistle, NAC, and glutathione. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about recommended supplements and dosing.
What are the contraindications for using the sauna?
If you have any of the following health conditions it is NOT recommended to use the sauna:
- Serious unstable illness
- Pre-existing fever
- Severely decreased vitality (elderly, very young children)
- Open wounds
- Poorly controlled diabetes
- Multiple sclerosis
- Malignant hypertension
- Pregnancy or possible pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Heart failure
- Cardiac arrhythmia
- Severe anemia
What is the cost of using the sauna?
The cost of one 60-minute sauna session with shower and towels is $30. We sell discounted packages for 3, 5 and 10 sauna session purchase.