Schedule a sauna appointment online!
Shower and towels included.

  • Water (preferably with electrolytes or a good quality trace mineral supplement).  We also have Eldorado Springs water available at our office.
  • Book to read
  • Personal care products if shower is desired afterwards.  We supply a sauna gown and towels for your use during your sauna session.
  • Please do not wear any perfumes and scented products in the sauna.

Always consult with your doctor and/or the manufacturer of a medical device before using infrared sauna.  Continuous Glucose Monitors are generally not recommended above 113 degrees F and may malfunction in the sauna.

You may not sweat right away in the sauna.  Many people have suppressed sweating mechanisms due to toxic exposure.  For some people, it can take several sessions to get their body comfortable with heat and able to seat.  You must be well hydrated in order to get a good sweat going.  Pay close attention to overheating and dehydration.  Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session.

We use traditional dry far-infrared sauna to stimulate sweating.  We set our sauna to roughly 130 degrees F. You can adjust temperature higher or lower depending on your preference. The maximum temperature is 158 degrees. Length of use should not exceed 30 minutes. The temperature and the length of time can be increased based on the tolerance of the patient.

Exercise, good nutrition and sleep hygiene is imperative to follow for maximum sauna benefit.  During your sauna session, feel free to take breaks for rest, take a cold shower at the end, and snacking afterwards is encouraged.  The following supplements and organic foods can be helpful for your detoxification regiment: probiotics, fiber/flax seeds, chlorella, brassica vegetables, green tea, artichoke, garlic, rosemary, turmeric, pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, milk thistle, NAC, and glutathione.  Talk to your naturopathic doctor about recommended supplements and dosing.

If you have any of the following health conditions it is NOT recommended to use the sauna:

  • Serious unstable illness
  • Pre-existing fever
  • Severely decreased vitality (elderly, very young children)
  • Open wounds
  • Poorly controlled diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Malignant hypertension
  • Pregnancy or possible pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Heart failure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Severe anemia

The cost of one 60-minute sauna session with shower and towels is $30.  We sell discounted packages for 3, 5 and 10 sauna session purchase.

Boulder Natural Health’s
Far Infrared Sauna

  • Detoxification

    Far infrared is thought to be seven times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals, cholesterol, alcohol, nicotine, and other environmental toxins.

  • Weight Loss and Increasing Metabolism

    A 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn up to 600 calories.

  • Decrease Pain

    Infrared saunas have been shown to decrease pain and stiffness in patients with arthritis.

  • Clear Your Skin

    Sauna encourages the skin to open up and push out oily residues and has been shown to improve acne.

  • Improve Sleep

    Infrared sauna has been shown to decrease anxiety and improve quality of sleep.

  • Build a Stronger Immune System

    Infrared sauna has been down to increase white blood cell counts, enhancing the body’s immune defenses.

Why do we need to sweat?

Every day our bodies are exposed to hundreds of toxicants and chemicals through pesticides, herbicides, insecticides in food, contaminants in water, particulates in air, solvents in gasoline, paint fumes and cleaners, new furniture and new car smell, Bisphenol-A, phthalates in plastics, mercury in dental amalgams, perfluorinated acids (PFCs) in non-stick cookware, carpet treatments and microwave popcorn bags, radon gas and many other household and work exposures.  The list is staggering and scary.

What can we do to reduce our body burden of toxicants?

First, we can do our best to avoid toxicant exposure.  Second, we can help our bodies eliminate our total body burden of toxicants.  Nearly every toxicant studied is excreted well through sweat.  We don’t sweat nearly enough!  Sauna and therapeutic sweating is an incredible tool to help cleanse the body of these toxicants and prevent disease.

Who can benefit from therapeutic sweating?

Nearly everyone (with some exceptions), and people with almost any chronic disease.   Sauna therapy can be beneficial for anyone wanting to detoxify, decrease stress, improve sleep, boost immunity, calm anxiety, decrease joint inflammation, increase metabolism and encourage weight loss.  Therapeutic sweating can be beneficial for people with the following conditions:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Sleep disorders
  • Diabetes type II
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Neuropathy
  • IBS
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Low immune function/low white blood cells or low platelet counts
  • Lyme disease
  • Mold toxicity
  • Obesity and inability to lose weight
  • Many other conditions

Why is a far infrared (FIR) sauna the best choice for detoxification?

​​The vast amount of peer-reviewed research on infrared rays has focused on far infrared (FIR).  It has been shown to mobilize lipophilic toxins (heavy metals and chemicals) from fat cells.  The FIR waves cause a gentle increase in core body temperature which triggers a sweat response.  The sweat is able to transfer the toxins being released from fat cells through the skin.  FIR waves are also known to trigger the release of nitric oxide from the endothelial lining of the blood vessels and enhance blood flow throughout the body.  FIR waves will support the immune system’s production of T cells, boost metabolism and trigger the release of endorphins.

Why do we have a far infrared (FIR) sauna compared to a near infrared (full spectrum) sauna?

Far infrared light has a larger wavelength than near infrared.  Near infrared has a much smaller wavelength and it penetrates deeper into the body.  THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING.  Our toxins lie in the layer of fat just below our skin.  FAR infrared targets this superficial fat layer.  Near infrared rays can penetrate deeper into our vital organs and can potentially cause damage without you knowing it.  There is no clinical peer reviewed research that has been done on the safety or effectiveness of near infrared therapy on the whole body.

What about chemically sensitive patients?

The far infrared sauna at Boulder Natural Health is the most non-toxic unit available for use in Colorado.  There are no toxic glues, varnishes or paints used in the manufacturing of the unit.  The sauna is made out of poplar wood, which is one of the least reactive woods for chemically sensitive patients.