American Association for Naturopathic Doctors – Conference Update

By Dr. Rosia Parrish

In mid-July, I went to San Diego for the annual American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Conference.  One of my favorite seminars was on a subject that touches our health topic of this month – mental health.

Did you know that there has been an increase in mental health diagnoses and rising suicide rates; even though the use of antidepressants has also increased 65%?!

It is at the foundation of the role of naturopathic doctors to look at the whole body as an inter-related system.  In this case, we look at many contributors to anxiety and depression, such as

  • diet & digestion
  • exercise
  • sleep
  • hydration
  • inflammation
  • toxicity
  • genetics

and yes, stress!  Bringing balance to all of these things through holistic care, lifestyle changes and remedies supports the whole body.

I was blessed to be among so many brilliant minds at the forefront of naturopathic care and I’m excited to share the latest in this field with you and our community at Boulder Natural Health.

❤️ Dr. Rosia Parrish