NutrEval Profile – Comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation
At Boulder Natural Health, we offer the NutrEval profile by Genova Diagnostics, providing a comprehensive nutritional evaluation of your health. This test gives a metabolic analysis of your body including assessment of amino acids, organic acids, essential fatty acids, oxidative stress, toxic element and nutrient levels.
To see a sample report of this lab test, click here.
This test may be appropriate for any of the following health conditions:
Chronic fatigue
Joint pain
Digestive issues
Inflammatory diseases
Malabsorption issues/poor diet or poor nutrition
- The Metabolic Analysis portion of this test evaluates gastrointestinal function, cellular energy production, neurotransmitter processing, and vitamin/mineral cofactor role in organic acid metabolism. Results can be used to address chronic systemic complaints ranging from fatigue and mood disorders to headaches, muscular/joint pain and digestive problems.
- Amino Acids analysis examines 39 amino acids, both essential and non-essential. Results can provide valuable biochemical information about many disorders, including chronic fatigue, learning disabilities, depression, immune problems, and the role of vitamin/mineral cofactors in amino acid metabolism.
- Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acid markers evaluate the levels of fatty acids in red blood cell membranes. Fatty acid imbalances significantly affect cellular communication and inflammatory disorders. By knowing the various fatty acid levels, one can reestablish a balance using nutritional intervention. Fatty acid testing supports simple and specific nutritional interventions that can be used to help conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hyperactivity, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, and other inflammatory conditions.
- The Oxidative Stress analysis is a sensitive assessment to evaluate the body’s antioxidant reserve and oxidative injury. This test can help identify underlying causes and perpetuating factors for many disorders and to customize treatment programs. Oxidative stress status is linked to heart disease, neu- ro-degenerative diseases, respiratory problems, skin disorders, immune dysfunction, environmental sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, and premature aging.
- Elemental analysis is a reliable means of identifying short-term toxic element exposure and evaluating mineral nutrient status. Results help the clinician to quickly pinpoint elemental imbalances underlying conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headache, depression, insomnia, memory loss, and neurologic problems.
Information provided by Genova Diagnostics, Inc.