We tend to think of dementia as something that effects the elderly, but that is changing. Our modern lifestyles, impacts from viral infections, and the increasing toxicity of our environment are all possible factors creating a dramatic increase in early-onset dementia. Recent studies in the US show that the average age of someone living with dementia is now 49 years old, with increasing prevalence among people aged 30-44 years of age.
It is never too soon to begin prevention or treatment. The underlying physiology leading to dementia occurs beginning 20 or more years before symptoms are observed. Early detection leads to better prognosis. We can administer a simple, free, in office test to assess memory.
Prevention is even better. You don’t have to be experiencing memory loss to learn how to protect your cognition and begin to adopt lifestyle habits to support your brain now and for the long term.
Cognitive Assessment and Testing
Testing for cognitive decline and dementia includes the Montreal Cognitive Assessment https://www.mocatest.org (no fee, this is done in office). Other important blood testing includes basic blood work that provide insight into vascular and metabolic health, inflammation, heavy metals blood panel, hormones including thyroid, as well as D, B12, folate, Mg nutrient status, and further workup as indicated based on history and symptoms.
Genetic Testing for APOE, with the option of a full cognitive panel with IntellxxDNA (https://www.intellxxdna.com).
Option to participate in Apollo Health’s PreCODE (for prevention) or ReCODE (for reversal) programs for Alzheimers disease.
Quantative EEG or QEEG is records brainwave patterns to help target herbal and nutritional supplementation as well as taylored lifestyle interventions. Boulder Natural Health uses an award-winning recording device by Zeto. Data is analyzed then reported in an easy-to understand report by Axon EEG Solutions.
Optimizing Cognition
The goal in optimizing cognition is to change your biochemistry, utilizing a variety of therapeutic approaches, in order to provide conditions for your brain to thrive. This is something we can help you do. Treatment includes education, addressing risk factors such as hypertension or insulin-resistance/pre-diabetes, support with lifestyle modifications including brain exercise, physical movement, stress management, and supplements that optimize brain health.
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