Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites – Gluten Free!

I just found this amazing recipe for Peanut Butter Chocolate…

Juicing For Health

So Many Benefits Raw vegetables and fruit juices are said to…

Nutrition Guidelines for Candida

Your diet plays a major role in the successful management of…

Top 10 Things You Can Do To “Practice Prevention”

1) Buy non-toxic products for your home. Many products that people…

Gluten Sensitive? Avoid Starbucks

If you think you are sensitive to gluten or you have celiac disease,…

5 Natural Allergy Cures

Spring has sprung!  Before you run to the drugstore for…

Gluten free, dairy free gumbo (and leftovers for the week)

Cooking can be a challenge when you are trying to avoid common…

Acne Solution – Treat the Gut, Treat the Liver

Over 17 million people in the United States struggle with acne.…

Flu Prevention 101

We are in the midst of a vigorous flu season.  So what can you…

New Year’s Rejuvenation with Acupuncture

It is the start of a new year and time to reflect on the changes…

5 Strategies to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Did you know that half of the weight you gain over an entire…

Are You Getting The Nutrients You Need?

But I eat a balanced diet, exercise and take a multivitamin...…