Aging Gracefully: Insights from the Ageless Living Conference

By Dr. Rosia Parrish

Insights from the Ageless Living Conference
By Dr. Rosia Parrish

How can you age gracefully?
How can you find joy in the latter part of your life?
How can you age more wisely, live consciously, and find purpose in order to live a happier, healthier, and longer life?

Last month I attended a conference called Ageless Living in Santa Fe, New Mexico with speakers including Bruce Lipton, PhD, who is known for stem cell biology and writing the bestselling book, The Biology of Belief, and his role in the science of epigenetics.  Epigenetics is the ability to change our genetic expression through the influence of our environment.  Did you know that diet and nutrition, mental health and belief systems, our internal terrain, and our external environmental exposures can all change our physiology and our gene expression?

As a naturopathic doctor, I believe we can all age gracefully by improving diet, lifestyle and focusing on disease prevention.  Here are some things you can do to support your genes and positively influence epigenetics:

  1. Eat healthy, homemade, nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich foods that include organic green leafy vegetables, dark berries, colorful fruit, high quality fats, and fiber.
  2. Limit processed grains, sugar, and saturated fats which are pro-inflammatory.
  3. Drink filtered water – strive to drink at least half your weight in ounces daily!
  4. Exercise regularly and include both cardiovascular and weight/resistance training.
  5. Find an activity you love and dedicate time to it each day.
  6. Stay social with friends and participate in community involvement.
  7. Get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Wear a safe sunscreen.
  8. Engage your mind in new ways.  Try challenging puzzles, reading or art.
  9. Continue to seek out new ways to care for your body including:
    • optimizing sleep habits.
    • taking hot Epsom salt baths with essential oils, such as lavender.
    • use castor oil packs, skin brushes, and other means of detoxification.
  10. Connect your mind, body, and spirit through meditation, prayer, or conscious breath.

Lipton says, “Epigenetics reveals that we are not ‘victims’ of our genes, but are in fact ‘masters’ of our genes.”   You have influence over how you age through your health choices today.

In health,
Dr. Parrish